Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Create your own snack caddy

Good Morning! I'm feeling a little chipper this morning...I got up at 5 am to go for a run with my buddy. As I sat on the couch to put my shoes on I realized that it was so quiet, I could hear the clock ticking. On top of that, the house was clean, like really clean! I was so tempted to grab a book, open the blinds and enjoy every second of my quiet, clean house. Don't worry, I didn't do that. I got my lazy keister up and went for a run jog. I don't know what I'm happier about: the cool morning air, the release of endorphins, or the fact that I went for a jog, showered and am enjoying a cup of coffee while Albert and Cass are still asleep! YAY! I love my little family, but I recently realized that I don't have a lot of alone time. Well, I almost never have alone time. I am a stay at home mom, so every errand I run, every moment of every day I spend with my little man right by my side. I'm not complaining, by any means, I just realized this a few days ago. I had some free time, and I spent it cleaning out the cupboards and deep cleaning my house...and I enjoyed it! Anyways, while I was cleaning out the cupboards I realized that all of the dang boxes were taking up room in our very limited space so I decided to make a snack caddie. My sis had given us an art caddy for our birthdays and it was so awesome. It was mason jars filled with crayons, glue sticks, pencils and safety scissors. I keep this out and we use it often, however I thought it would be a little more functional as a snack caddy. Here's what I put in it. Marshmallows: Albert loves these things and they are one of his favorite treats! He gets them when I want to reward or thank him for helping me or being a good boy. Graham Crackers: One of Albert's favorite snacks. Sometimes I put peanut butter on top, but he loves to eat them plain too. Fruit Snacks: My sis-n-law just gave us an economy size box of Mickey Mouse fruit snacks. Albert would eat them all day long if I'd let him. Chocolate Stars: These are essentially chocolate graham crackers shaped as stars. I usually buy the honey ones, but Albert caught me in the right mood so I let him get the chocolate ones.
Also, not all of my snacks fit in the jars, so with the small amount I had left over, I made to go snacks for Albert.

Goldfish would also be great, I just didn't have enough to fill the mason jar, so I made a to go snack for Albert with them. 
I also put all of my tea bags in jars to save me a little room. Is it just me or does everything look better in mason jars?

As you can see, I'm constantly trying to find new things that I can put in a jar to save me some room and add a little eye candy to my shelves. (That's right, I referred to jars as eye candy).

Do you have any other snack ideas for a snack caddy or to go snacks? I'd love to switch up the snacks when they run out. 

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