Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Pinterest Success!

 Yesterday, while on a cleaning frenzy, I was able to test one of the "uses for everyday items you never knew about" theories. You know, there are multiple pins out there with crazy ideas like applying salt to mosquito bites for relief or using dryer sheets for everything from cleaning water spots to curing the bird flu. I decided to try using toothpaste to clean crayon marks off of the wall. In the past, I have not been able to get the red marks off, so I figured I had nothing to lose but a little bit of toothpaste. I applied the toothpaste to the crayon marks and let it sit for about ten minutes then wiped it off with a warm, wet cloth. It worked!! I had to put in a little elbow grease, but the marks are gone! I was so excited! I read that it had to be toothPASTE and not a gel, so that's what I used...I wonder if the gel would work the same? Have any of you tried using the gel or any other of these theories?

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